Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 17 pp 12123—12137

Intraovarian PRP injection improves oocyte quality and early embryo development in mouse models of chemotherapy-induced diminished ovarian reserve


Figure 4. Assessment and grouping of protein content of platelet rich plasma (PRP) among two strains of mice. Different protein contents were found within B6 and CD1 wild-type mice strains. The proteins in PRP were categorized as Growth Factors (A), Cytokines (B), Serine Proteases and Coagulation Factors (C), Complements (D), Enzymes (E), Glycoproteins (F), and Immunoglobulins (G). The blue part of the bars represents CD1, and the purple bar represents the B6 strains. B6: C57BL/6. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001