Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 17 pp 12123—12137

Intraovarian PRP injection improves oocyte quality and early embryo development in mouse models of chemotherapy-induced diminished ovarian reserve


Figure 3. Reproductive outcomes in chemotherapy-induced POR and POI mice models using the C57BL/6. (A) MII oocytes (n) and (B) Day 2 embryos collected from the oviduct. (C) Fertilization rate. (D) Blastocyst formation rate (%), (E) total amount of blastocyst obtained after in vitro embryo culture. (F) Good quality blastocysts. Data are presented as mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, using Kruskal-Wallis in the comparison as indicated and Mann-Whitney U-tests for two-by-two comparisons.