Figure 3. The impact projections 6 DNA epigenetic modification-estimated traits (DNA epigenetic modification-estimated granulation cells dimensions, methylation of DNA GrimAge speed, DNA the methylation process Hannum age speed, Fundamental epigenetic modification age acceleration, which is DNA epigenetic regulation-estimated plasminogen stimulating activator inhibitor-1 levels, and DNA the methylation process PhenoAge acceleration) in stroke. (A) Examination of the relationship between an increase in exposure to Stroke and the risk of DNA epigenetic regulation-estimated characteristics and Telomere length utilising Inverse variance weighed, MR Egger, Simple mode, Weighted mode and Weighted median estimates. (B) A scatter plot showing distinct SNP effects and predictions from various MR techniques regarding the impact of Stroke on Telomere duration. (C) Funnel illustrations of Telomere length and Stroke. (D) Leave-one-out research graphs for the effect of Stroke on Telomere duration.