Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 9 pp 7535—7552

Caloric restriction mitigates age-associated senescence characteristics in subcutaneous adipose tissue-derived stem cells


Figure 6. Aging is associated with autophagy defects in ASCs. (A) Representative histogram of autophagy marker LC3 II fluorescence among ASCs from young and aged mice. (B, C) The mean fluorescence intensity distribution of LC3 II in subcutaneous ASCs from young and aged male (B) and female (C) mice. (D, E) The mean fluorescence intensity distribution of LC3 II in visceral ASCs from young and aged male (D) and female (E) mice. (F) Western blot of ASCs lysate from control and ATG7 KO mice. Blots were developed for p16, ATG7, and α-Tubulin. (G) ASCs isolated from control and ATG7 KO mice were differentiated and stained with Oil-Red-O. Differentiated ASCs lysate was blotted for perilipin, ATG7, and α-Tubulin expression. (H, I) The mean fluorescence intensity distribution of LC3 II in subcutaneous ASCs from mice fed on caloric restricted and ad-libitum diet. (n = 3–5 mice per group) P value < 0.05 = *, ns = non-significant.