Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 9 pp 7915—7927

IL21 inhibits miR-361-5p to promote MAP3K9 and further aggravate the progression of shoulder arthritis


Figure 5. Association between MAP3K9 and miR-361-5p. (A) Prediction of MAP3K9 targeting by miR-361-5p using TargetScan. (B) The association between miR-361-5p and MAP3K9 was verified by the dual luciferase reporter gene assay. (C) Protein band diagram and relative protein expression statistics of MAP3K9. N = 3; **P < 0.01, MAP3K9 WT+NC vs. MAP3K9 WT+miR-361-5p mimics, NC vs. MAP3K9 WT+miR-361-5p mimics, NC vs. MAP3K9 MUT+miR-361-5p mimics; nsP > 0.05, MAP3K9 MUT+NC vs. MAP3K9 MUT+miR-361-5p mimics.