Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 3 pp 2736—2752

circ_0039787 promotes cervical cancer cell tumorigenesis by regulation of the miR-877-5p-KRAS axis


Figure 2. Illustrates the promotion of tumorigenic behavior in CC cells by circ_0039787. (A) circ_0039787 levels in overexpressing HeLa cells. (B) circ_0039787 levels in knocked down CaSki cells. (C, D) Cell proliferation changes were assessed using the CCK-8 assay following knockdown or overexpression of circ_0039787. (EI) Cell proliferation was evaluated through EdU and colony formation assays following knockdown or overexpression of circ_0039787. *P < 0.05, *P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.