Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 14553—14573

Systemic changes induced by autologous stem cell ovarian transplant in plasma proteome of women with impaired ovarian reserves


Figure 2. Plasma proteomic changes following stem cell mobilization in patients with premature ovarian insufficiency. (A) Discriminant analysis plot considering all PRE and all APHERESIS samples together. ASCOT, autologous stem cell ovarian transplantation. Heatmap depicting the hierarchical clustering of the 14 differentially expressed proteins between the PRE and APHERESIS samples (B), and dot plot showing the corresponding top 30 significantly enriched (FDR < 0.05) GO biological processes (C). The heatmap is color coded according to protein expression determined by SWATH analysis, where yellow and turquoise indicate an increase or decrease in expression, respectively.