Research Paper Volume 16, Issue 2 pp 1161—1181

A circRNA ceRNA network involved in cognitive dysfunction after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion


Figure 12. GO and KEGG enrichment analysis of DE mRNAs. Through a hypergeometric algorithm, the DE mRNAs were enriched on different GO terms and KEGG pathways. (A) Top 30 GO terms with upregulated DE mRNAs. (B) Top 30 GO terms with downregulated DE mRNAs. (C) enriched KEGG pathways. (D) The chord diagram showed the corresponding relationship between upregulated GO enrichment terms and related DE circRNAs. (E) The chord diagram showed the corresponding relationship between downregulated GO enrichment terms and related DE circRNAs. (F) The chord diagram showed the corresponding relationship between KEGG pathways and related DE circRNAs. [(Con group, n=3), (2VO group, n=3)].