Figure 3. Different motoneurons in the spinal cord of ALS mice with different onset time. Different MNs are stained with different markers and colors, FαMNs (MMP-9+), SαMNs (ChAT+NeuN+MMP-9−) and (ChAT+NeuN−MMP-9−), with MMP-9+ (red), ChAT+ (green) and NeuN+ (blue). Scale bar = 100 μM (A) and the quantitative results (B). The yellow boxes represent the typical positive cells (enlarged approximate twice on the original position). The typical MMP-9+, ChAT+NeuN+MMP-9− and ChAT+NeuN−MMP-9− positive cells are enlarged approximately 4 times and shown on the bottom right panel. &&&P < 0.001 vs. control at 50~60 days. ***P < 0.001 vs. control at 90~100 days. ###P < 0.001 vs. control at 130~140 days. In all experiments, half male and half female mice were used in each group (n = 6).