Correction Volume 15, Issue 2 pp 595—596

Correction for: Long non-coding RNA DLEUI promotes papillary thyroid carcinoma progression by sponging miR-421 and increasing ROCK1 expression


Figure 5. DLEU1 regulates PTC cell growth and progression through the miR-421/ROCK1 axis. (A) Western blot analysis shows ROCK1 protein levels in sh-NC-, sh-DLEU1- and sh-DLEU1 plus miR-421 inhibitor-transfected TPC-1 cells. (B) Spearman correlation analysis shows that ROCK1 mRNA expression is inversely related to DLEU1 expression in PTC tissues (n=54). (C) CCK-8 assay analysis shows proliferation rates of TPC-1 cells transfected with sh-NC, sh-DLEU1, sh-DLEU1 plus miR-421 inhibitor, and sh-DLEU1 plus ROCK1 overexpression plasmid. (D) Flow cytometry analysis shows percentage apoptosis (% Annexin-V+ cells) in TPC-1 cells transfected with sh-NC, sh-DLEU1, sh-DLEU1 plus miR-421 inhibitor, and sh-DLEU1 plus ROCK1 overexpression plasmid. (E) Wound healing assay results show the numbers of migrating cells in the TPC-1 cells transfected with sh-NC, sh-DLEU1, sh-DLEU1 plus miR-421 inhibitor, and sh-DLEU1 plus ROCK1 overexpression plasmid. (F) Transwell invasion assay results show the numbers of invading cells in the TPC-1 cells transfected with sh-NC, sh-DLEU1, sh-DLEU1 plus miR-421 inhibitor, and sh-DLEU1 plus ROCK1 overexpression plasmid. Note: The data is represented as the means ± SD of at least three independent experiments. *P< 0.05 and **P< 0.01.