Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 2 pp 441—458

Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive cells in a mouse transgenic model does not change β-cell mass and has limited effects on their proliferative capacity


Figure 6. p16Ink4a-expressing cells do not proliferate or secrete SASP compared to other senescent cells. (A) tSNE of beta-cell clusters based on Ins2 expression and four subpopulations highlighted: p16Ink4a+, p21Cip1+ (senescent) and p16Ink4a−/p21Cip1− A and p16Ink4a−/p21Cip1− B (non-senescent). (B) Heat map showing beta cell senescence genes. (C, D) Heat map and violin plot showing beta-cell proliferation genes. (E, F). Heat map and violin plot showing beta-cell expression of cyclins and Id. (G, H) Heat map and violin plot of Cdk-inhibitors; (I, J) Heat map and violin plot of SASP genes. (K) qPCR of islets treated with B/B homodimerizer show no changes in the transcript of p21Cip1 and several transcription factors in the INK ATTAC model. Significance calculated by ordinary one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons.