Figure 8. TGFBR2 is necessary for ALG10-induced stemness of CRC cells in vitro. (A and B) CRC cells with or without ALG10 knockdown were treated with rTGFBR2 or not and then subjected to detect the mRNA levels of stemness markers. (C) The protein levels of stemness markers were examined in the CRC cells described in (A). (D) ALDH activity was measured in the CRC cells depicted in (A). (E and F) The sphere formation ability was evaluated in the CRC cells described in (A) by detecting sphere size (E) and number (F). (G) CD133+ cell sub-population was determined in the CRC cells depicted in (A). n = 3, **P < 0.01 vs. Control, ##P < 0.01 vs. ALG10-kd & rTGFBR2.