Figure 4. TMZ and/or celecoxib induces cell apoptosis in LN18 and LN229 GBM cells (A) the LN229 cells (5×103) were seeded into 12-well plates, (three independent wells per condition) following TMZ and/or celecoxib treatment for 72 hours prior to assay. Then the cells were collected and washed twice with cold PBS and incubated with PI and PSVue 643 at room temperature for 30mins before test by flow cytometer. (B) The LN18 cells were practice as same condition. (C) The statistical results of the flow cytometry analysis of cell apoptosis. Data shows mean Value and ±SEM (n=5). (D) The LN229 cells (5×103) were seeded into 12-well plates, (three independent wells per condition) following TMZ and/or celecoxib treatment for 48 hours prior to assay. Then the cells were collected and washed twice with cold PBS and incubated with PI and Hoechst 33342 at dark room for 5mins then test with Fluorescence microscopy. (E) The LN18 cells were practice as same condition (Standard line: 200um).