Figure 4. The effect of UPF1 on cell migration, invasion and proliferation in Ishikawa and RL952 EEC cells. (A, B) Migration and invasion assay in Ishikawa and RL952 cells that were transfected with siUPF1 and NC. Cells were evaluated at 24h after transfection(NIKON,100X). The results are shown as the mean±SEM from two independent experiments(**P<0.01). (C, D) Wound healing assay showing cell migration in Ishikawa and RL952 cells(*p<0.05). (E) CCK8 assay showing cell proliferation in Ishikawa and RL952 that were transfected with siUPF1 and NC(*p<0.05). Data was represented as the mean +/- SEM.*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.