Research Paper Volume 13, Issue 12 pp 16178—16197

GPR30-mediated HMGB1 upregulation in CAFs induces autophagy and tamoxifen resistance in ERα-positive breast cancer cells


Figure 5. MEK/ERK is involved in autophagy and promotes apoptosis. Analysis of autophagy-related proteins (A, B) and apoptosis markers and cell viability (C, D) in MCF-7 cells pretreated with rHMGB1 and anti-HMGB1 antibody and U0126 to block ERK signal pathway. β-actin was used as a loading control. All analyses were conducted with 3 different experiments. CAF-shNC (CM): MCF-7 cells cultured with CM from CAF-shNC cells; G1+CAF-sh NC (CM): MCF-7 cells cultured with CM from CAF-shNC cells treated with G1; CAF-shGPR30 (CM): MCF-7 cells cultured with CM from CAF-sh GPR30 cells; G1+CAF-sh GPR30 (CM): MCF-7 cells cultured with CM from CAF-shGPR30 cells treated with G1.