Research Paper Volume 13, Issue 8 pp 10955—10972

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy effectively alleviates D-galactose-induced-age-related cardiac dysfunction via attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction in pre-diabetic rats


Figure 7. Effect of HBOT on mitochondrial functions in cardiomyocytes of pre-diabetic rats after induction of aging by D-gal. (A) Cardiac mitochondrial ROS production. (B) Cardiac mitochondrial membrane potential. (C) Cardiac mitochondrial swelling. (D) TEM representative images of cardiac mitochondria. NDV, normal diet fed rats with vehicle; NDDg, normal diet fed rats with D-gal; HFV, high-fat diet fed rats with vehicle; HFDg, high-fat diet fed rats with D-gal; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TEM, transmission electron microscopy; HBOT, hyperbaric oxygen therapy. (n = 8/group). *P < 0.05.