Figure 2. PPM1G expression is significantly upregulated in LIHC. (A) Chart and box plot showing PPM1G expression in normal and LIHC tissues (HCCDB). (B) Box plot comparing PPM1G mRNA expression in normal (left plot) and cancer tissues (right plot) generated using Roessier Liver2 (i), Wurmbach Liver (ii), and Roessier Liver2 (iii) data (Oncomine). Box plots comparing PPM1G mRNA expression in cancer tissues (left plot) and liver cancer precursor tissues (right plot) using the Wurmbach Liver (iv) and Mas Liver (v) datasets, respectively (Oncomine) (p-value of 1E−4, fold-change of 2, and gene ranking of 10%). (C) PPM1G protein expression in normal (i) and LIHC tissues (ii) (HPA).