Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 23 pp 24101—24116

Predicting the outcome of non-pharmacological treatment for patients with dementia-related mild cognitive impairment


Figure 2. Brain regions where cognitive sores were statistically significantly correlated with regional neural oscillatory intensity. Red indicates brain regions where oscillatory intensity was correlated with cognitive scores on the recording day (i.e. ‘Estimated Scores’). Blue indicates brain regions where oscillatory intensity was correlated with cognitive score change (i.e. ‘Estimated Score Change’) or score at the end of the NPT period (i.e. ‘Last Score). Yellow indicates brain region where oscillatory intensity was correlated with a spectral property. The three dimensional images were created using MRIcroGL ( NPT, non-pharmacological treatment; MF, median frequency; MMSE-J, Japanese version of the Mini-Mental State Examination; ADAS-J Cog, Japanese version of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale.