Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 19 pp 19785—19808

Protective effect of Vigna unguiculata extract against aging and neurodegeneration


Cowpea extract extends yeast lifespan. (A, B) Analysis of V. unguiculata extract by mass spectrometry using a shotgun proteomic approach to identify all the proteins present in the sample. (A) MW distribution and (B) classification of the proteins identified. The data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD017716. (CF) CLS of wt and (C) tor1Δ, (D) ras2Δ, (E) atg1Δ, (F) snf1Δ cells, grown in SD medium containing 2% glucose in the absence or presence of 0.2% V. unguiculata extract. *p<0.05 relative to untreated wt cells, °p<0.05 relative to untreated mutant cells. Curves of wt untreated cells and treated with the extract were repeated in CF.