Figure 5. XL388 oral administration inhibits A172 xenograft growth in SCID mice. The SCID mice bearing A172 xenografts (n=10 per group) were administrated with vehicle (saline, “Veh”) or XL388(5 mg/kg body weight, daily, × 14d), then tumor volumes (in mm3) (A) and mice body weights (in grams) (D) was recorded every seven days for a total of 35 days; The estimated daily tumor growth (in mm3 per day) was calculated as described (B). At treatment Day-35, all tumors were isolated and individually weighted (C). At treatment Day-7, two hours after initial XL388administration, the xenograft tumors were isolated. Tissue lysates were subjected to Western blotting assays of listed proteins (E and F). *p < 0.05 vs. “Veh” group (A–C).