This article has been retracted. Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Oct 31; 12:20930-20930 .
Research Paper Volume 12, Issue 14 pp 14418—14433

miR-5089-5p suppresses castration-resistant prostate cancer resistance to enzalutamide and metastasis via miR-5089-5p/SPINK1/ MAPK/MMP9 signaling


Figure 2. SPINK1 promotes Enz resistance and production of ARv7. (A) Western blots and RT-PCR results validating SPINK1 knockdown in C4-2R and C4-2B-R cells, overexpression in C4-2 and C4-2B cells. (B) Percentage of viable +/shSPINK1 C4-2R and C4-2B-R cells with/without Enz treatment. (C) Edu incorporation rate in +/shSPINK1 C4-2R and C4-2B-R cells with/without Enz treatment. (D) Immunoblot showing co-immunoprecipitation of SPINK1 and ARv7 in the C4-2R cells. (E, F) Western blots and qRT-PCR results showing AR-v7 protein and mRNA levels in oeSPINK1 C4-2 and C4-2B cells, and shSPINK1 C4-2R and C4-2B-R cells.