Figure 1. H2O2 downregulates circHIPK3 in human osteoblasts. OB-6 human osteoblastic cells or the primary human osteoblasts were treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, at applied concentrations) and cultured for indicated time periods, relative circHIPK3 expression was tested by qPCR (A–C) qPCR analysis of the relative circHIPK3 expression in the surgery-isolated femoral head tissues (both normal and necrotic) from ten (10) different dexamethasone-treated patients (D) “Veh” stands for vehicle control (PBS, same for all Figures). Quantified values were mean ± standard deviation (SD). * P < 0.05 vs. “Veh” treatment (A–C) * P < 0.05 vs. “S” tissues (surrounding normal femoral head tissues) (D; n=10). Experiments were repeated three times, with similar results obtained.