Figure 2. PAR2 antagonist AZ3451 suppresses IL-1β-induced inflammation response, cartilage degradation and premature senescence in chondrocytes. (A) Chemical structure of AZ3451. (B, C) Representative western blots and quantification data of PAR2 in chondrocytes of each group. (D, E) Representative western blots and quantification data of iNOS, COX2, MMP1, MMP13 and ADAMTS5 in chondrocytes of each group. (F, G) Representative western blots and quantification data of PAR2, Aggrecan, Collagen II and Sox9 in chondrocytes of each group. (H, I) Representative western blots and quantification data of p16INK4a in chondrocytes of each group. (J, K) SA-β gal staining assay was performed in chondrocytes as treated above. Data are shown as the mean ± SD. Significant differences between groups are indicated as ***P <0.001, **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05.