Research Paper Volume 11, Issue 22 pp 10581—10596

Mixed-location cerebral microbleeds as a biomarker of neurodegeneration in a memory clinic population


Figure 1. Forest plot for the association between mixed-location CMBs with hippocampus subfields volume. Effect estimates adjusted for age, gender, intracranial volume, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.Bold values represents statistically significant associations at p =0.05. * Statistically significant after Bonferroni correction (0.05/12 ~ 0.0041). # Statistically significant after further adjusting for white matter hyperintensities volume, presence of lacunes and total enlarged perivascular spaces (n=328) (p<0.05). CMBs, cerebral microbleeds; CA, Cornu Amonis; GCMLDG, Molecular and Granule Cell Layers of the Dentate Gyrus; HAAT, Hippocampal Amygdala Transition Area.