Research Paper Volume 11, Issue 22 pp 10052—10060

Late stage gastric cancer patients with extra gained HER2 positivity by dual block assessment may not show compromised efficacy to trastuzumab treatment


Figure 1. Representative images of the two cohorts. (A) A case of cohort A showed concordant HER2 results between the two blocks with homogeneous HER2 3+ staining. A1, A1’, Block 1; A2, A2’, Block 2. (B) A case of cohort A showed concordant HER2 results between the two blocks with heterogeneous HER2 3+ staining. B1, B1’, Block 1; B2, B2’, Block 2. (C) A case of cohort B showed discordant HER2 results between both blocks with 3+ in block 1 and 0 in block 2. C1, C1’, Block 1; C2, C2’, Block 2. Magnification ×200.