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Research Paper Volume 11, Issue 19 pp 8239—8253

The long non-coding RNA, urothelial carcinoma associated 1, promotes cell growth, invasion, migration, and chemo-resistance in glioma through Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway


Figure 5. UCA1 regulated glioma cell invasion and migration via Wnt/β-cateinin signaling pathway. The mRNA expression of axin, β-cateinin and cyclin D1 in (A) U87 and (B) SHG139 cells after UCA1 siRNAs (siUCA1(a) and siUCA1(b)) or scrambled siRNA transfection were determined by qRT-PCR. The protein expression levels of Axin, active β-cateinin and cyclin D1 in (C) U87 and (D) SHG139 cells after UCA1 siRNAs (siUCA1(a) and siUCA1(b)) or scrambled siRNA transfection were determined by western blotting assay. The TOP-FLASH activity of (E) U87 and (F) SHG139 cells after UCA1 siRNAs (siUCA1(a) and siUCA1(b)) or scrambled siRNA transfection were determined by TOP-FLASH assay. The cell invasive potential in (G) U87 and (H) SHG139 cells after treatment with siUCA1(a) or siUCA1(a) + LiCl was determined by cell invasion assay. The cell migratory potential in (I) U87 and (J) SHG139 cells after treatment with siUCA1(a) or siUCA1(a) + LiCl was determined by cell migration assay. 1, scrambled siRNA; 2, siUCA1(a); 3, siUCA1(b). All the experiments were performed in triplicates. Significant differences compared to the control group were expressed as *P<0.05 and **P<0.01.