Research Paper Volume 11, Issue 10 pp 3198—3219

Simvastatin induces breast cancer cell death through oxidative stress up-regulating miR-140-5p


Figure 6. Simvastatin inhibited SLC2A1 expression. (A, B) MDA-MB-231 cells were treated with either NC(DMSO) or various concentrations of simvastatin(1-3µM) for 24h. The mRNA and protein expression of SLC2A1 were examined by qPCR and western blot, respectively. (C) Effect of simvastatin on the localization of SLC2A1. MDA-MB-231 cells were transfected with EGFP-SLC2A1 co-expression plasmid for 48h, then the cells were treated with either DMSO or simvastatin for 24h and observed with a Delta Vision Imaging Workstation. (D) Effect of simvastatin on the exogenous EGFP-SLC2A1 through western blot analysis. The p-values were calculated using standard Student t-tests. Error bars represent mean±SEM of three individual experiments. * P ≤ 0.05.