Figure 2. Phenotypes of lin28 mutants and overexpression of Lin28. (A) Comparison of the hub cells in 3rd larva (top) and young adult testis (bottom) stained with FasIII (red) and TO-PRO3 (Blue) showing defect in hub cell morphology in lin28 mutant. Scale 10µm. (B) Young adult testis stained with Traffic Jam (TJ), Vasa and FasIII. The number of hub cells is decreased in lin28 mutant testis. Hub cells are increased in Lin28 overexpressed testis. Scale 10µm. (C) Graph depicting the number of hub cells in 0-1Day old wildtype, lin28 mutant and overexpression of Lin28 along with the rescue of mutant testes by hub specific overexpression of Lin28. ** denotes P<0.01, *** denotes P <0.001 (from