Research Paper Volume 10, Issue 7 pp 1627—1639

A three-long non-coding RNA-expression-based risk score system can better predict both overall and recurrence-free survival in patients with small hepatocellular carcinoma


Figure 2. Construction of the three-lncRNA risk model of sHCC with GSE14250. (A) LncRNA risk score analysis in the discovery series. (Upper) LncRNA risk score distribution of 153 sHCC patients. (Lower) Expression heatmap of the three lncRNAs corresponding to each sample above. Red: high expression; Blue: low expression. (B and C) Survival (B) and recurrence (C) status of every patient in the discovery dataset (N=153). (D and E) Kaplan-Meier analysis for OS (D) and RFS (E) using the lncRNA-signature in GSE14520.