Figure 3. The expression of circSNCA and miRNA after PPC treatment. (A) SNCA mRNA has two corresponding circRNAs, respectively matured from CDS and 3’-UTR. (B) The relative expression of hsa_circ_0127305 and hsa_circ_0070441 detected by qRT-PCR increased after PPX treatment. *P < 0.05, compared with NC, #P < 0.05 compared with MPP+, and ns meant no significant difference. (C) The relative expression of miR-580 and miR-7 detected by qRT-PCR decreased with PPX treatment. *P < 0.05 meant MPP+ compared with NC, #P < 0.05 meant MPP+ & PPX compared with MPP+. (D) The relative expression of circSNCA detected by qRT-PCR decreased as the concentration of PPX increased. *P < 0.05 compared with MPP+, and ns meant no significant difference. (E) The relative expression of circSNCA detected by qRT-PCR decreased as the time for PPX (100 μM) treatment increased. *P < 0.05 compared with MPP+, and ns meant no significant difference.