Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 11 pp 2611—2634

Aging dysregulates D- and E-series resolvins to modulate cardiosplenic and cardiorenal network following myocardial infarction


Figure 5. Excess intake of omega-6 fatty acids increased F4/80+/Ly6Chigh Ly6G+, CD11b+ population post-MI. (A) Representative dot plots identifying CD11b+ population in LV mononuclear cells isolated from LC and SO fed young mice at d1 post-MI. (B) Representative flow cytometry (FACs) dot plots showing Ly6Chigh in LV mononuclear cells isolated from LC and SO fed young and aging mice at d1 post-MI. (C) Bar graphs representing percentage of Ly6G+ population in LV mononuclear cells at d1 post-MI. (D) Bar graphs representing percentage of Ly6Chigh population in LV mononuclear cells at d1 post-MI. (E) Representative FACs dot plots showing CD45+/CD11b+ in LV mononuclear cells isolated from LC and SO fed young and aging mice at d1 post-MI. (F) Representative FACs dot plots showing CD11blow/F4/80high and CD11bhigh/F4/80high in LV mononuclear cells isolated from LC and SO fed young and aging mice at d1 post-MI. (G) Bar graphs representing percentage of CD11b+ population in LV mononuclear cells at d1 post-MI. (H) Histogram representing change in CD11b expression in young and aging mice post-MI. *p<0.05 vs young-LC; $ p<0.05 LC vs SO. n=3-5 mice/group for flow cytometry analysis.