Research Paper Volume 8, Issue 1 pp 158—176

To senesce or not to senesce: how primary human fibroblasts decide their cell fate after DNA damage


Figure 5. Cdk1,2 silencing for 7 days. White circles indicate corresponding model predictions. (A) relative EdU incorporation (mean ± SEM (n≥3)). (B) SA-βG activity (mean ± SEM (n≥3)). (C) relative Cdk1 levels (mean ± SEM (n≥3)) with representative Western blot. (D) relative Cdk2 levels (mean ± SEM (n≥3)) with representative Western blot. All values are scaled to control before radiation at day 0. ***: P<0.01, **: P<0.05, -: P>0.05, unpaired two-sided t-test.