Research Paper Volume 7, Issue 8 pp 535—552

Endurance exercise and selective breeding for longevity extend Drosophila healthspan by overlapping mechanisms


Figure 5. methuselah-like 3 knockdown mimics healthspan benefits of exercise training. (A) Ubiquitous expression of RNAi against mthl3 using an RU-inducible driver increases the endurance of both males (log-rank; p = .0452) and females (log-rank; p <.0001) compared to RU- controls. n ≥ 160 for all endurance assays. (B) mthl3 knockdown reduces cardiac failure in response to pacing stress compared to RU- controls (t-test; p <.0001, n ≥ 100). (C) mthl3 knockdown increases negative geotaxis in males compared to RU- controls (2-way ANOVA; p <.0001, n ≥ 100). (D) Ubiquitous overexpression of mthl3 reduces the endurance of males compared to RU- controls (log-rank; p =.0005, n ≥ 160). (E) Ubiquitous overexpression of mthl3 increases cardiac failure in response to pacing (error bars indicate ±SD, t-test; p <.0001, n ≥ 100). (F) Ubiquitous overexpression of mthl3 decreases negative geotaxis in males compared to RU- controls (2-way ANOVA; p <.0001, n ≥ 100).