Research Paper Volume 6, Issue 4 pp 320—334

Aging synaptic mitochondria exhibit dynamic proteomic changes while maintaining bioenergetic function


Figure 5. Mitochondrial antioxidant proteins and mtDNA deletions in aging synaptic mitochondria. (A) Heatmap of the protein expression changes from 5 to 12 months and 12 to 24 months in isolated synaptic mitochondria (log2 (12/5 months) and (24/12 months)). SOD2 highlighted in red was verified orthogonally. (B) Immunoblot validation of SOD2 protein expression. (C) PCR analysis of DNA isolated from synaptic mitochondria revealing accumulation of age-associated mtDNA deletions. PCR product sizes of 989 and 846 bps represent deletions in the mtDNA genome between 9554/13278 and 9088/12956 bps, respectively. PCR of 12S rRNA is used as a control.