Research Paper Volume 2, Issue 8 pp 475—486

A new dominant peroxiredoxin allele identified by whole-genome re-sequencing of random mutagenized yeast causes oxidant-resistance and premature aging


Figure 2. Identification of K6001-B7 by subtractive whole-genome resequencing. (A) 454 sequencing found 12,484 genetic differences between K6001 and the S288c reference genome. Four K6001-B7 candidates were identified by systematic narrowing of this list via the exclusion of non-uniform reads, substracting K6001 from K6001-B7, and the manual exclusion of alignment artefacts. Four of the remaining 13 variants were predicted to result in amino acid exchange. (B) Sanger resequencing of candidate regions. Mutant variants are highlighted. Please note that for TSA1 the sequence trace of the reverse strand is shown.