Priority Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 12 pp 971—978

Aged mouse ovaries possess rare premeiotic germ cells that can generate oocytes following transplantation into a young host environment


Figure 1. Premeiotic germ cells persist in aged atrophic mouse ovaries. (A) Analysis of germline marker gene expression in ovaries of young adult (2-month) and aged (20-month) female mice. Results from all 4 mice per age group are shown (β-actin, housekeeping gene used as a sample loading control). (B) In-vivo blockade of premeiotic DNA replication by HU in ovaries of young adult mice results in enhanced levels of Stra8 expression, consistent with premeiotic germ cell accumulation. (C) Immunofluorescence analysis of STRA8 expression (green, cytoplasm) in ovaries of aged or HU-treated young adult female mice. (D) Control immunofluorescence analysis of STRA8 expression (green, cytoplasm) in testes of young adult wild-type or Stra8-null male mice (a representative cross-section of seminiferous tubule is shown for each.). C, D: scale bar = 10 μm; DAPI counterstain, blue (nucleus).