Research Perspective Volume 1, Issue 7 pp 664—668

"Shping 2" different cellular localizations - a potential new player in aging processes


Figure 3. Different functions of Shp-2 in different cell compartments. Cytosolic Shp-2 modulates different pathways by dephosphorylation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK). It also decreases cytosolic ROS levels. Nuclear Shp-2 inhibits ROS induced nuclear export of TERT and DNA-binding of STAT1 dimers by dephosphorylation. Prolactin induces the association of Shp-2 and STAT5 and nuclear import of this complex. Shp-2/STAT5 complex binds to DNA and induces transcription of milk genes. Functions of mitochondrial Shp-2 remain unclear. A connection between mitochondrial Src, Shp-2 and TERT may exist. Reduction of mitochondrial ROS formation seems to depend on Shp-2.