Research Paper Volume 1, Issue 4 pp 425—437

Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress mediate the physiological impairment induced by the disruption of autophagy


Figure 3. Atg7 deficient cells exhibit increased levels of ROS. (A) Intracellular ROS levels as assessed by DCFDA fluorescence intensity (arbitrary units) in WT and Atg7-/- MEFs. ROS measurements were made from three independent WT or Atg7-/- MEF primary cell isolates and the fluorescent intensity of more than 250 cells of each genotype were assessed. (B) NAC treatment reduces the levels of ROS in MEFs lacking Atg7. Levels of ROS were assessed by DCFDA fluorescence in Atg7-/- MEFs untreated or treated with NAC (500 μM) for 4 days prior to imaging. Values represent the normalized fluorescent intensity (arbitrary units) of approximately 300 cells per condition. Graphs represent the mean +/- SEM.