Correction Volume 16, Issue 7 pp 6629—6630

Correction for: MTDH promotes metastasis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma by activating SND1-mediated ERK signaling and epithelial-mesenchymal transition


Figure 3. MTDH promotes cell migration and invasion of ccRCC cells. (AD) RT-qPCR and western blot analyses of ccRCC cells infected with a lentivirus-mediated MTDH-overexpressing vector (D) or MTDH shRNAs (C). (EF) Wound-healing assay. Representative images of wound-induced cell migration by the 786-O-shMTDH, 786-O-#1-MTDH and control cells(4x). (GJ) Representative images of transwell migration and invasion assay of MTDH-knockdown cells and MTDH-overexpressed cells(10x). (K) RT-qPCR analyses of Renca-luc cells infected with a lentivirus-mediated MTDH shRNAs. (L) Representative images of transwell migration and invasion assay of Renca-luc-shMTDH#3(10x). (M) Tail vein-injected Renca-luc metastasis model. Representative IVIS images of mice injected mouse MTDH-silenced or control cells and analysis of tumor luminescence representing lung metastasis measured on day 21. Five mice per group (Renca-luc-shNC ccRCC cells failed in tail vein injection in one mice.) (N) Lung metastasis was confirmed by H&E and IHC- MTDH staining(10x).