Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 14591—14606

SRSF7 downregulation induces cellular senescence through generation of MDM2 variants


Figure 1. Down-regulation of SRSF7 is commonly observed in multiple RNA-seq datasets of cellular senescence. (AD) RNA seq analysis of Wi-38 cells during RS (GSE130306). (A) Bar plot showing the top gene sets which were downregulated in senescence cells. (B) GSEA plot showing the enrichment score (ES) and normalized enrichment score (NES) and adjusted p-value (Padj) of three gene sets (DNA_REPLICATION, CELL_CYCLE, and SPLICEOSOME) in senescent cells. Bar plots showing the log2 fold change (logFC) were displayed together. Top ten leading edge genes in ‘SPLICEOSOME’ gene set are shown next to its GSEA plot. (C) Stacked bar plot showing the number of differential splicing event types in senescent (S) cells compared to proliferative (P) cells. Abbreviations: alt-3’: alternative 3’ splice sites; alt-5: alternative 5’ splice sites; alt-C-term: alternative C terminal exons; altPromoter: alternative promoters; cassette-exon: alternative exon-cassettes. (D) Gene expression heatmap of CDKN1A and SRSF genes included in the leading edge genes of ‘SPLICEOSOME’ gene set. The values are scaled into z-score. (E) Gene expression heatmaps of CDKN1A and SRSF genes from RNA seq data of MRC-5 (GSE64553) and BJ (GSE63577) during RS. The values are scaled into z-score.