Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 24 pp 14996—15024

ATRX is a predictive marker for endocrinotherapy and chemotherapy resistance in HER2-/HR+ breast cancer through the regulation of the AR, GLI3 and GATA2 transcriptional network


Figure 3. Screening of hub gene. (A) Network Analyst Database for breast mammary tissue PPI analysis on 286 DEGs, which were filtered by Degree ≥ 15. (B) Venn diagram reveals the hub genes. (C) Venn diagram detected 36 common DEGs of ATRX-associated, TFs and DEGs in GSE1. (D) The name of the 36 common DEGs. (E) STRING and Cytoscape analysis of the common DEGs. (F) Logistic regression analysis of genes related to drug resistance.