Research Paper Volume 15, Issue 19 pp 10133—10145

Sheng-Mai-Yin inhibits doxorubicin-induced ferroptosis and cardiotoxicity through regulation of Hmox1


Figure 5. The effect of SMY on molecular markers of ferroptosis. (A, B) Ptgs2 mRNA (A) and Hmox1 mRNA (B) levels were measured by qPCR. (C) Quantification of the intensity of immunofluorescence of Hmox1. (D) Representative images of immunofluorescence of Hmox1. The green fluorescence represented Hmox1 and the blue fluorescence indicated cell nucleus. (E) Representative blot images of FTH1, TFR1, GPX4, and Hmox1 protein levels. (F) Analysis of FTH1 protein levels by column graph, adjusted by GAPDH. (G) Analysis of TFR1 protein levels by column graph, adjusted by GAPDH. (H) Analysis of GPX4 protein levels by column graph, adjusted by GAPDH. (I) Analysis of Hmox1 protein levels by column graph, adjusted by GAPDH. The results were presented as mean ± SEM. ##means compared with control group, P < 0.01; *means compared with DOX group, P < 0.05, **means compared with DOX group, P < 0.01.